An Aldersgate Worship Update from Mike Link, Director of Worship & Music Ministry


“It’s Just Worship……”

Summertime:  Going to One Worship Service

By Mike Link, Director of Music and Worship 

As Pastor Rodney announced to us on Sunday, May 15, we have now been in the desert for two years with COVID restrictions, and that has greatly affected our worship and worship attendance. We have gone from an online-only service to an online and outdoor worship experience, to our normal two distinctively different worship services held inside. Our Administrative Council, along with a sub-committee, has recommended we go to one worship service as an experiment for the summer.

People are asking “what is that going to look like?” As soon as we announced one worship service, all sorts of comments were made. Comments I heard or were passed along to me included the following: “I don’t like that,” “are we abolishing the choir?” and “well, I like MorningSong.” I totally understand people make initial comments more out of fear and from the unknown instead of correct information. This is the purpose of my writing.

First, this is not new territory for us. Do any of you remember when Rev. Lyle Benson was here, and we dedicated the new education wing with Rev. Ron Henderson, District Superintendent? We held just one worship service to dedicate the new building. The musicians will tell you we used choir, MorningSong, praise band, piano, and organ all in that one service. A week later, Lyle reported to me that at a district pastors meeting, Rev. Henderson opened his announcements by declaring, “If you want to know how to do worship, you need to attend Aldersgate and see how it is done!” I will take that as a pretty good endorsement from our then, District Superintendent, who visited many worship services. In addition, our 30th Anniversary Worship Service included multiple facets of both services just last summer.

In the Administrative Council Meeting, I explained that planning a worship service can be compared to a box of crayons. Presently, when each service is planned musically, I am only using the box of 48 colors of my crayon box in each service.

With the one service, we can experience the big box of 64 crayons in one worship service. (I will even throw in the crayon sharpener for good measure.) I have done much research with our worship leaders across the country who are experiencing the same thing we are. There is a lack of consistent attendance in two services, and we miss the physical energy of people worshipping together as “A Body of Christ.”

Matthew 18:20-22 CEB “ For where two or three are gathered in my name, I’m there with them.”

In this new format, you will see a variety music, instruments, styles, and genres in one service with the spiritual energy inherent in everyone being together as a cohesive community. I am going to do whatever we need to do musically to support the Gospel and message. Please know, my lenses are from a very broad scope. All I ask is that you stick with us and give us a chance for more than one service. The service will be different, but I think the gains made will be worth the effort.

I would just ask we look at the big picture here. We are here to build community as a Body of Christ. You might ask, “will this service be a Traditional Worship Service, Contemporary Worship Service, or Blended Worship Service?” My answer to the three questions: “no, no, and no.”

As your Director of Music since 2006, my beloved Aldersgate Congregation, I encourage us all to embrace this new venture without worrying about labels. As soon as we start labeling things, we box ourselves in. We are there to worship God through scripture, word, and song in as many different ways our gifts will allow. I ask that we all be in prayer for our church that people will find their way back to our community, and please pray for our staff as we make this transition.

Grace and Peace, Mike