Children’s Ministry
Nursery Care (Infant-age 3)
Every Sunday during the 10:00 am service
We would love to look after your child while you worship on Sunday morning!
Contact Pastor Boston at boston@aldersgatecarrollton.org for more information.
Sunday School (K-5th)
Every Sunday during the 10:00 am service
We look forward to engaging in the scriptures with your children while you worship!
Contact Pastor Boston at boston@aldersgatecarrollton.org for more information.
KOOL Club (K-5th)
Every Sunday from 4:00 pm - 5:30pm
Each week there will be a Bible story with fun activities, games, crafts, and songs. Children should be picked up at 5:30 pm from Room 109.
Contact Pastor Boston at boston@aldersgatecarrollton.org for more information.
New List Item
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Encore Kids
Encore Kids is a community group that offers acting classes, theatre activities, and performance opportunities for children of all ages! The curriculum includes teamwork, concentration, improvisation, movement, voice, theatre terminology, and much more! EK trains actors, singers, dancers, technicians, costume designers, prop masters and more! No one is left out of these productions and everyone gets the opportunity to perform! For more information, please visit encorekidstx.com.
Boy Scouts of America/Girl Scouts of America
Scouting is family, fun, friends and a lifetime of adventure! It’s the place where young people can grow to become their very best future selves. For more information no how to get involved with our troop, please contact John Taylor at jtaylorus@gmail.com for information about the boy scouts. For information about the girl scouts, please contact Amber Taylor at altaylor013@gmail.com.