Music Ministry
Throughout its history, Aldersgate UMC has been blessed with musical gifts. We use these gifts through our celebrations of worship, and our prayer is that we express God’s love to everyone who hears.
Mike Link has been our Director of Music Ministries since 2006. Please contact him at mike@aldersgatecarrollton.org for information on how to get involved.
Chancel Choir
From the very first Aldersgate worship service at Kent Elementary School, the Chancel Choir has been robed and ready to lead the congregation in musical celebration. The choir’s first anthem, “Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty” by Ovid Young, affirmed Aldersgate’s vision of becoming a church that combines and open and inclusive witness with a traditional setting. Our choir works at creating an atmosphere of harmony not just in its music but also in its actions. The choir rehearses on Wednesday nights from 7:00 to 8:15 p.m. If you would like to become a part of the Chancel Choir, please contact Mike Link.
What began in 1996 with two guitars and a few voices has blossomed into a full band for the 9:00 a.m. worship service. MorningSong leads the congregation in song each week, sometimes teaching new songs during worship, and plays anthems in a variety of musical styles. The group composes some of their own songs, and frequently develops new arrangements of traditional hymns and worship music. MorningSong rehearses each Wednesday night at 8:15 p.m. in the sanctuary. MorningSong includes Julie Spaight, Amy Bilecki, Linda Swindling, Rik Moen, Bob Michaels, Jordan Seibert, Sunny Yun, as well as Mike Link and Kathy Johnson. If you would like more information, or if you’re ready to “sit in” and think about becoming part of MorningSong, please contact Mike Link.
Aldersgate Orchestra
We have been blessed with many wonderful instrumentalists, both youth and adults. The orchestra plays the periodically throughout the year.