
Dear church family, 

What to do with Lent? No, I am not talking about Lint, the stray fibers from our clothing mixed with some dead skin cells, but Lent, the 6 week season in the Church leading up to Easter. 

Want to know more about the history and practices of Lent, check out this article.  

Growing up in a United Methodist Church, Lent was a big deal. If I close my eyes, I can remember all the conversations with family and friends about what we were going to give up in order to make more space for God. As a kid, some of my go-to choices for fasting were gossip, swearing, chocolate, and sweets. Funny how some things have changed and some haven’t.

This year, I’ve been thinking about what we might fast from. Is there something that might help us? In a season of life, still faced with a lot of uncertainty, with indifference, and questions about normalcy of life, how can we be grounded and bring peace and/or joy?  

Is there something you could refrain from, or change, over the next 6 weeks to make space for God?

Maybe multitasking during meetings? Or gossip about friends or coworkers? Maybe TV or phones or devices before work or 2 hours before bed?  Maybe refraining from the grass is greener thoughts? Or grumbling about the parts of our lives or jobs we don’t like?

Ash Wednesday is March 2 and I invite you to consider how the season of Lent can be a cue to set aside distractions and ready ourselves for God. How will you spend Lent? Will you go to your old standby or will you try something new? Will you experiment with the ancient practice of fasting? Will you find God along the way? 

I look forward to seeing everyone this Sunday, online or in person, as we wrap up our Greater Than sermon series and unveil the refurbished organ. 

With gratitude,
Rodney Whitfield
Senior Pastor


Creating Space


Greater Than