
Dear church family,

I can’t believe it, October is here already. I love October, and not because it is my and my dad’s birthday month. I love October because the weather starts cooling off, college football is in full swing (plus Arkansas is winning this year), the state fair of Texas is open, and there are a lot of food festivals.

What will you celebrate this October?

October is also a time to celebrate the diversity within the Church and our unity within. I love World Communion Sunday. It brings me great joy to find creative and intentional ways to celebrate, that as divided as our world might be and the large number of denominations within Christianity, we can still come together in the celebration of World Communion Sunday.

In 1936 the first World Communion observance was held in the Presbyterian Church. The day was adopted by the Federal Council of Churches (now the National Council of Churches) in 1940. Since then, on the First Sunday in October, churches across denominations globally celebrate Holy Communion together. This Sunday, we will continue the tradition and join our brothers and sisters all across the globe in Celebrating Communion together. It is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the diversity of the Body of Christ through which we still find unity in Christ Jesus around the Communion table.

I hope you will plan to join us at 10:15 a.m. for 1 Great Hour of Worship. It will be a great morning with special music and a very special guest. The staff and I are excited about all that has been planned. I look forward to sharing in this very special worship experience as we unite our English, Korean, and Vietnameses worship communities and celebrate Holy Communion as one.

I look forward to seeing you in worship as we start October off right, around the table, celebrating our unity in Christ.

Rodney Whitfield
Senior Pastor


Attitude Challenge


Words That Make a Difference