
Dear church family,

What is Christmas to you? Is it the most joyful time of the year? Is it the busiest time of the year? Is it a “time for toys and time for cheer”?

I have learned over the years it is a difficult time. Psychologists report that the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is one of the most difficult times of year for many people. 


Maybe it is because we have an unrealistic expectation of a joyous time, or  life circumstances (jobs, relationships, home life) are such that joy seems to be elusive. Maybe, it reminds us of who is missing from our celebrations?

If you are feeling a little sad or blue this Christmas, or know someone who is going through a tough time here are a few suggestions on how to get the most out of this Advent season. 

1. Go to Worship.

We need to sing the wonderful songs of the season, hear the timeless story of the birth of Christ, and open our hearts in worship to receive the Christ child once again. 

2. Look at all the lights.

In the midst of the darkness, Christmas lights remind us of the light that came into the world which the darkness cannot overcome.

3. Take time to watch some of these great Christmas classics:

  • It's a Wonderful Life, White Christmas,

  • Miracle on 34th Street.

  • The Santa Clause

  • Elf

  • Christmas Vacation

4. Read the story of the birth of Christ and other Christmas stories:

  • The Polar Express

  • The Night Before Christmas

  • The Gift of the Magi

As we continue our journey to the INN, I pray each one of you will experience the simple yet profound truth of Christmas: Emmanuel, God is with us. I look forward to seeing you in worship on Sunday as we celebrate holy communion and light the candle of peace.

With Gratitude,


Joy in the midst


Thanksgiving Day