Thanksgiving Day

Happy Thanksgiving Aldersgate!  

Did you know: 

  • The domestic turkeys are slow-moving and unable to fly, but their wild relatives can run at up to 25 mph and fly at speeds approaching 55 mph.

  • If Benjamin Franklin had his way, the turkey would be the national bird of the United States.

  • Macy's didn't sponsor the first Thanksgiving parade. That’s right… That honor goes to Gimbels, a department store in Philadelphia that sponsored a parade in 1920, 4 years before Macy's.

  • On Thanksgiving Day in 2007, two turkeys earned a trip to Disney World. They were pardoned by President George W. Bush and flown from the White House to Orlando, where they served as honorary grand marshals for the Disney World Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Here's another interesting fact: Thanksgiving is the favorite holiday of only 2 percent of Americans. Can you believe that? I love Thanksgiving… the food is great, yet I love it because it is a time when everything pauses for just a moment to give thanks. We take time to thank God for his blessings. We spend time with family and friends. 

"Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" (1 Thessalonians 5:18). 

My prayer is that today you will take time to slow down, enjoy food, family, friends, and reflect upon all the blessings in your life. 

I am giving thanks for all the amazing families at Aldersgate UMC and in our community. I am giving thanks that God has sent me to be in ministry with you. I am grateful for your prayers, your generosity, and your love poured out for others. I plan to see you in worship this Sunday either online or in person as we begin our advent journey and sermon series, The INN!

Happy Thanksgiving,
Rodney Whitfield 
Senior Pastor




Savoring the Moment