
Dear church family, 

On Sunday, I preached about things breaking. Then on Monday morning, my coffee mug broke, and then other things began to break. 

To say the least, “this has been a week.”  A week has been full of constant reminders of the diverse relationships I have in my life, work, and ministry.  And these diverse relationships are important. And each of those relationships matter to me and I was moved not by sympathy, but instead by empathy. 

Need a quick refresher on the difference, check out his quick 2 minute video that Dr. Brene Brown made.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Evwgu369Jw 

And then consider who is broken this week and… 

  • how might God be calling you to have Empathy for neighbor, friend, spouse, or child? 

  • Who are you willing to climb into the pit with? Family, Friends, neighbor, or criminal, enemy, etc.

At the end of the video, Brene Brown says, …“Rarely can a response (trying to make someone feel better or telling how it all worked out in our lives) make things better, but what makes something better is connection.”  

How have you seen this truth in your own relationships? 

How are you making connections? How are you intentionally fostering connection? 

I look forward to seeing you in worship in person or online as we continue our current series: Fill MY Cup

With gratitude,
Rodney Whitfield
Senior Pastor


Holy Week


Creating Space