Expert Witness

In both federal and state courts, expert witnesses can be used to assist the judge and/or jury in reaching a decision. The expert witness clarifies, explains, and provides opinions on complex matters that the average person would not typically understand.

On what would you be an expert witness?

Football, basketball, accounting, medicine, teaching, or maybe music or computers?

We all have our areas in which we know more than the general public. 

One would think the disciples would have been an expert witness to who Jesus was. They would have been able to clarify and explain the complexity of Jesus’ resurrection, Right? 

Yet in the days following Jesus' resurrection, the disciples were still in a fog, still trying to figure things out. And, they struggled to identify Jesus when he was walking right beside them. 

Join us this Sunday as we look at the Emmaus journey found in chapter 24 of Luke’s gospel, this set of witnesses, and how their story connects with our journey as modern day disciples and Christ’s witnesses.  

We will also be blessing all the shoes that have been donated as part of our Lenten Shoes for Orphans Souls drive. It isn’t too late, bring your shoes on Sunday. Also, you can still sign up to serve at Buckner on April 30. 

With Gratitude,
Sr. Pastor


P.S.  The recent announcement that the General Conference has been postponed until 2024 has brought several questions regarding the future of The United Methodist Church. Bishop Michael McKee has scheduled meetings in each of the districts with clergy and laity to provide information about what is occurring, to answer questions and to speak about the future of the North Texas Conference. Any member of Aldersgate UMC interested in attending the North Central District session on Saturday, April 30, @9:30 a.m. are encouraged to register here. If you have questions you can always ask Me, or Blache Farnam or Mark Ford, both have attended an earlier session.  




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