
I came across this Facebook quote by Nikki Banas. It gets at the belief that even in our smallest acts of kindness, love, and compassion have ripple effects that are greater than we will ever know.
We may never know the impact that a single pair of shoes can make or the impact of a simple card or phone call.

For example, the impact of our generosity to UMCOR that is supporting refugees who are escaping the war in Ukraine.

At times, as a Pastor, people share their story with me and I get to hear the impact. One of those moments happened this week and I can’t tell you how overjoyed I was to hear this one impact story. 

On Maundy Thursday this year, we tried something new. In partnership with Nor’Kirk Presbyterian, we worshiped, feasted, and created simple Easter baskets for some of our neighbors. We weren’t sure how much of an impact they might have, but we wanted our Food Share Neighbors to know we were thinking of them on Easter. 

This week, while visiting with one of our Giving Gardeners and dedicated Food Share drivers, they shared with me the impact one of these simple Easter baskets had. Apparently one of our recipients had never received an Easter basket in their entire life. They are always grateful for the abundance and generosity of the monthly food share, but as the food share arrived this past weekend, they couldn’t wait to tell their delivery driver how special they felt in receiving an Easter basket this year.  

You never know the impact you will have!  

Keep up the good work Aldersgate. Keep smiling! Keep sending cards, making phone calls, making baskets, dropping off food, being kind, so the ripples of God’s love continues to spread all over North Carrollton.     

With Gratitude,


Rodney Whitfield

Senior Pastor


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