What’s Happening

What’s Happening? I saw on Facebook… I saw online… I heard someone talking in bible study… What is this about a new Methodist denomination? 

Did you see it? The announcement was on May 1, 2022. The Global Methodist Church was launched, and made a public invitation to individuals, churches, and pastors from the UMC to leave the denomination and come join the new denomination. 

I talked about this announcement in my Tuesday Facebook video linked here. I want to be clear. The UMC is not splitting at this time. However, there are conversations by both clergy and churches who are considering disaffiliation (leaving the UMC). In our meeting with Bishop McKee last week, he shared that only 6-8 churches of the 300 churches in North Texas were exploring the process to leave. Bishop McKee spoke about his belief that there is room in the UMC for all and that our diversity is a gift. Like Paul’s teaching about the diversity of the Body of Christ, it is important and needed for full embodiment of the Gospel, that not all our churches are alike so they can serve different roles. I join with Bishop McKee in sadness for those who feel, as clergy or churches, leaving the denomination is the only answer. It saddens me that some don’t see our diversity as an asset, but instead a threat to our Christian Witness. 

The United Methodist Church is the second largest protestant denomination with over 12 million members globally and has a rich history of being a place where diversity is vaulted and welcomed. It is one of the reasons I am proud to be a United Methodist. 

I encourage each of you reading, if you want to know more please go to the trusted source for the news (UM News service, UM News service, myself or one of our Associate Pastors.) There is a lot being written on the subject. There are things being said. I hope you will stay with trusted sources and ask your questions. Stay curious and don’t make any quick decisions. 

The main question I have received to date, “What does this mean for our church, Aldersgate UMC Carrollton?”  As I have stated many times, “Nothing right now.” There is no discussion or study group looking at disaffiliation for Aldersgate UMC. Our leadership has not been requested by our members to discuss disaffiliation. Therefore, I can’t overemphasize, nothing changes for Aldersgate UMC. We are going to continue to be a United Methodist Church, who makes disciples, who impacts lives and our community through sharing the love of Jesus Christ through our actions and our words. 

If you read something or hear something, I encourage you to double, or even triple check the sources, and if it did not come from UM News service, NTCUMC.org, or the General Conference (which by the way will not meet until 2024), do not trust it. Beware of the source and ask questions.  My door is open and my phone is available. I will make time to visit with anyone about this issue. 

With Gratitude,

Rodney Whitfield



So Much To Celebrate

