Miracle of Easter

The Miracle of Easter, was that death never has the final word. That Jesus' death on the cross was not the end of God’s salvation for our world, but a beginning of resurrecting all of creation.

It has been my practice for several years now to give something up, many times not eating a meal once a week and even one year giving up TV. And as part of that spiritual discipline, I have used the money saved from that meal or the cost of the tv streaming to be part of God’s good news through the Aldersgate UMC Easter offering: a gift above and beyond our normal tithes to impact lives both locally and beyond.

I hope you will join me this year in this Easter’s offering. This year's offering will be divided between 2 living changing ministries. CCA summer Kids Eat Free program and Earthquake Victims in Turkey and Syria. Your gifts are the miracle. 

CCA’s Kids Eat Free program has been around for over 25 years. The summer lunch program makes sure children who receive free lunches through Lewisville ISD during the school year also have access to healthy meals 5 days a week during the summer.They also send home healthy food for the weekend.  Your gifts fill more than tummies this summer. In Texas 14% of all households are food insecure, meaning they don’t know where their next meal will come from.  CCA’s Kid’s Eat Free program addresses the physical and emotional needs of children each summer, through strategic sites near low-income households so children can receive food just as they do when school is in session. 

The other half of your Easter gifts will go to support UMCOR and the relief and rebuilding after the deadly earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. 100% of the money given to UMCOR will go directly to families and communities who are in need with food, water, hygiene and other essential nonfood supplies and temporary shelter. UMCOR in cooperation with church leaders, local agencies and not-for-profit organizations in Turkey and Syria are already at work. Want to know more check out this video

Will you join me in making a miracle reality for children in LISD this summer and for the People of Turkey and Syria? 

Not giving something up… no worries. We have created a Lenten Miracle Offering calendar that gives you a simple way to self reflect upon God’s blessings in our lives using simple math to put coins or bills in a jar each day. For example, on Ash Wednesday we are invited to count the number of lamps in our house and place a coin or dollar for each one. Today we are invited to count every light switch in our house and give a coin or dollar for each one. Over the course of 40 days the calendar helps you be reflective and intentional of saving money, so that you, your children, your family can be part of making Jesus real for Children and families both locally and globally this Easter. Download calendars here!

I hope you will join me in the journey and help this be our largest Easter Offering on record, impacting lives and communities with Christ love.

With Gratitude,



Worth Stopping For