The Bible

Dear church family,

Each week in worship, as we finish the scripture reading we say, “This is the Word of God, for the people of God. Thanks be to God.” 

What is the bible? 

How would you explain the bible to someone who has never been to church or read the bible?  

 In 2015, Newsweek ran this article, The Bible: so misunderstood it is a sin, which caught a lot of attention and discussion. Maybe you feel this way too. Maybe this misunderstanding is why, according to Christianity Today, only 8% of christians are reading the bible on a daily basis. 

For the next several weeks we will explore the ins and outs of the Bible. We will wrestle with how we understand the Bible and how we use the bible. Especially in a culture where the majority have not read it. We will explore how this library of God’s word was passed down through the generations and how we might engage with this library in ways that help us and not confuse us. 

I have spent most of my life reading the bible. The people of Aldersgate want everyone to have their own copy, so they too might read the Bible for themselves. Which is why during this series, we will celebrate and give Bibles to our 3rd graders (and any older Elementary children) and those who will be part of our confirmation class. 

If you have a question about the bible, I encourage you to email me and I will find a way to answer it either in the series or by email.  I hope you will join us this week, online or in-person, as we begin the fall in worship and reading the scripture together.


Rodney Whitfield


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