Back to School

Dear church family,

Can you believe school is about to resume? Where did the time go? I am not sure I am ready for this… I have a 2nd, 7thand 8th grader this year. It doesn’t seem possible.

As the first day of school closes in for our community, the fall of 2021 is upon us. As a parent, I am excited to see my kids grow and learn. As your pastor, I’m excited to watch each of you grow as we all find our “new normal.” A new school year provides a fresh start for students, teachers, and administrators. It is also an opportunity for all of us.

Let’s get a fresh start, find a new fall rhythm of living deeply rooted in Christ, a new normal where community and discipleship are united. Together in community, sharing our passions and talents, we can impact lives and our community.

Together we can send our students and our teachers back to school knowing they are loved, valued, and respected. Here are ways we can do this both at church and in our community.

  1. > Backpack Blessings

  2. > Teacher Blessings

Together we can help Metrocrest Services Stock the Pantry with 1 whole year of Toilet paper (100,000 rolls). With our continued partnership with the Giving Garden and Metrocrest Services we can share fresh and organic produce with our neighbors and make sure they know they are loved and valued..

I hope each of you reading this will prayerfully consider how you might embody the life of Christ and intentionally engage in a new normal this fall. I hope you will engage in one of the discipleship opportunities that will begin after Labor day. So together whether on Sunday morning, Sunday night, or another day in the week, you will be together in mission and ministry as we find a new normal together.

Rodney Whitfield
Senior Pastor


The Bible

