
Dear church family,

After 18 months of not being part of any weddings, this summer is full of weddings. Just this week, Allison and I got another “Save the Date” card for a wedding coming in early 2022. 

Jesus’ first miracle in the book of John (John 2:1-11) was at a wedding. Do you remember it? Everyone probably remembered this wedding, because the family had underestimated the number or guest or the drinking ability of the guest and they ran out of wine. Jesus’ mom steps in to ask Jesus to help the family out, by turning the water into wine. Of all the extraordinary things Jesus did in his ministry, like raising someone from the dead, walking on water or feeding 5000 people with two loaves of bread and two fish; the first sign of his divinity is one of hospitality. 

Yes, turning water into wine is a miracle. It doesn’t bring anyone back to life or free a social outcast by healing a skin disease. It was a miracle meeting the simple needs of the party host and providing hospitality to their guests.

As I read this story, it reminds me that while Jesus is interested in life and death issues, in justice issues, Jesus is also interested in the regular parts of our daily lives. 

I love this quote: 
“A relationship with a God who was interested only in the big issues of life would be no more personal than a relationship with the 911 operator. But our infinite, almighty God chooses to relate to us on a more intimate level — not only on the mountaintops but in the dining rooms of our lives.” James N. Watkins 

As you continue to consider how God is sending you out in love, remember that Jesus shows up in the mundane, and regular parts of life. Loving others doesn’t have to be on the scale of feeding 5000 people or saving someone’s life. Instead, loving others can happen at a party, in our kitchens or on our back patios. In the Gospels, Jesus models for us over and over again loving others. And that happens in simple acts of hospitality, in conversations at the city well, and through acts of kindness in everyday life. This is the way God continues to save the world today.

I look forward to gathering with you again Sunday, online or in person, as we wrap up our Summer of love series. Until then, keep looking for Jesus in the everyday rituals of life within the community and the opportunity to be “love” for another.

Rodney Whitfield
Senior Pastor


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